Monthly Archives: November 2022

Crossover Communication Skills that Make Every Meeting Better

online learning

Quick, think of somebody who has achieved “crossover” success – in other words, they turned their skills into success in more than one domain. You can probably name someone who has achieved success in both music and acting, in both science and politics, in both performing arts and business. These are modern crossover stars, and […]

Consulting is More than a List of Questions


From the very first year I began working with advisors on consultative skills (1997), my workshop participants have asked me, “What are the best questions I should use in my discovery meetings?” The internet has an answer for you – 497 million answers. That’s the number of results from a recent Google search for “top […]

The Most Important Factor in Offering Advice

Shows the most important factor in offering advice

Imagine this scenario: Your closest female friend just got engaged – to a complete loser. He’s not a very nice person, and he’s clearly not good for her. You see it, her other friends see it, her family sees it – marrying that loser is a mistake that could cost her thousands of dollars and […]

The 3 Most Underrated Screens in Online Meetings

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Advisors, are you using the most powerful screens in your online meetings? There are a lot of different screens you could show in your next online meeting. Some of them are overrated, some are underrated, and some are properly rated. In this article, I’ll distinguish between screens, and discuss the value (or lack thereof) in […]

What Advice Do Clients Value Most?

The Value of Unsolicited Advice is about two cents.

Have you ever heard someone say, “This is just my two cents’ worth, but…”? When you hear this phrase, what does through your mind? Are you looking forward to what comes next? Or bracing for it? The phrase, “two cents’ worth” (or “two cents”) first appeared in the New Testament as an example of commitment […]

The First Assumption that Hurts Client Relationships

Don't assume!

About ten years ago, I hurt my knee playing basketball. Having torn an ACL in my twenties, I recognized the familiar “pop” – I was fairly sure I had done it again. My regular orthopedist was not available, so I made an appointment with a different doctor at a well-respected clinic. The doctor (let’s call […]

It’s Time to Rethink Your Meeting Collateral

Dear Marketing and Sales Enablement, Thank you for all the great stuff you’ve provided us over the years. We really appreciate all the data on the specifications, features, and benefits of our offerings! Keep the testimonials and customer success stories coming! We love the way you support our events! But let’s face it, you’ve always […]

The Second Assumption that Hurts Client Relationships

assumptions are traps

I was at a friend’s house for dinner the other night, and I asked my hostess, “Do you please have some ibuprofen I could use for my back?” “Sure,” she said, “How many do you need?” “I usually take four.” My hostess went to the bathroom and came out with a paper cup containing…two ibuprofen […]

The Third Assumption that Hurts Client Relationships

the third assumptive trap

Click here for the First Assumption and the Second Assumption. Here’s a (non-autobiographical) tale about the Third Assumption that happened several years ago, but remains timeless: Once upon a time, I introduced my friend Laura to my friend Chris (fake names!). Laura and Chris dated casually at first, then more seriously, then very seriously. They […]